OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (2024)





Quest Requirements:

The Restless Ghost
Priest in Peril

Skill/Other Requirements:

25 Agility
20 Cooking
Ability to defeat a level 32 Giant Lobster.

Items Needed at Quest Start:


Items Needed to Complete Quest:

Amulet of Ghostspeak, 10 Bones, Tinderbox, Spade, Thread, Needle, Silk, Knife, Bucket of milk, Bowl of water, Log, Oak longbow, 100-300gp, Buckets and Pots (4-6 of each recommended), 50 Ectotokens, 3 Blue dyes, 3 Yellow dyes, 3 Red dyes, Nettles, and Leather gloves.

Items Acquired During Quest:

Ecto Tokens, Special cup, Nettle tea.

Quest Points:



Approx 2400 Prayer xp and Ectophial for teleporting.

Start Point:

Port Phasmatys - East of Canifis.

To Start:

Speak to Velorina.


  1. Before you start the quest, equip your Ghostspeak amulet, leather gloves, and grab some bones, and some bucket and pots.

    Exit Canifis to the northeast, past the slayer master, just southeast of him you see some nettles, make sure you are wearing gloves! Pick some, as you'll need it later in the quest.

    Head northeast from Canifis,just past Fenkenstrain castle grounds, past the undead farm until you arrive upon the Temple of Ectofuntus. Talk to the Ghost Disciple to learn about the Ectofuntus.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (1)

  2. After that, go down the trapdoor. Climb down 4 staircases (you will have to circle around on each level to get to the next stair) and get some Slime (ectoplasm) in your Buckets.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (2)

  3. Go upstairs. At the Bone grinder, right-click and USE your bones on the grinder (or risk accidentally burying them!), click on the grinder to "Wind" it, then right-click on the grinder again to select "Empty grinder" (which fills your Pot with ground bones). Repeat for as many bones as you brought.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (3)

  4. Now go back to the ground floor (with the all the Ghost disciples) and click on the big thing in the middle of the room to "Worship" the Ectofuntus. This automatically uses up one Bucket of slime and one pot of Ground bones each time. Use up all of the Slime and Ground bones that you have.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (4)

  5. Go talk with one of the Ghost disciples and he will give you 5 Ecto-tokens for each worship you did. Now go south to the Shimmering wall (gate) and pay 2 Ecto-tokens to get in. Head east to the house with the quest symbol and speak to Velorina. Pick yes if you want to be fast and no if you want to hear the story of the port. After that say yes that you will help her and the others that want to pass on to the other side.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (5)

  6. Go talk with Necrovarus, ask him to release the ghosts to the other side. He will get angry, refuse, and say you never should return, but of course you will.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (6)

  7. Pay 2 Ecto-tokens to pass through the gate again. Go to Velorina and tell her what Necrovarus said, she will tell you the alternative way to accomplish your goal.

    Now go out of the port and head back toward the Slayer Master. Go west-northwest past his bridge. The Old crone's house is all the way over to the Canifis Slayer Tower, just on the east side. Talk with her, she will say that she needs a cup of Nettle tea to refresh her mind.

    Use the nettles on the bowl of water, DO NOT drink it, use the bowl on a range (alternatively you can also boil it on a fire by lighting a log if you brought one). The nearest range is in the Port. When returning, bring a bucket of milk, needle, thread, silk, and a knife.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (7)

  8. Go back to the Old crone when you've boiled it and she will say that she wants it in her special cup. She will give you a Porcelain cup, USE (don't drink it!) the Nettle tea on the Porcelain cup. Talk with her again when the tea is in the cup, she wants it with milk. Use the Bucket of milk with the cup to complete the tea and give it to her. She will now tell you to gather 3 items: The Book of Haricanto, The Robes of Necrovarus, and Something to translate The Book of Haricanto.
  9. Talk to her again and she will give you a Model ship that used to belong to her son. Click "Repair" on the ship to put the flag back on it (this uses your Silk and Thread, and requires you to be carrying a Needle and either a Knife or Shears to automatically cut the Silk).
  10. If you have dyes already made, drop your Needle and Knife in Canifis bank and grab the dyes now (note that you would need 3 of each for the worst case scenario - the colors are different for every player).

    Go to the old pirate ship north of the undead farm. Click on the boat's ladders to get aboard and go up. On this deck, go east towards the cabin and climb up the ladder attached to its outside wall. At the top, search the masts when the wind speed is low and learn the colors of the flag (you need top, bottom, and skull colors).

    Possible colors you'll need - red and yellow for orange; yellow and blue for green; red and blue for purple. Use them one at a time on the boat (you will get a menu asking where to apply the color: top, bottom or skull).

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (8)

  11. Return to the old pirate ship and dye the toy ship to match (as stated above). When you are done go to the old man (middle deck) and talk with him and ask if this is his ship. If you've dyed it correctly he will say it is his. Now ask for the key and he will give you it. Open the chest and search it to get a map piece.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (9)

  12. Go north over the gangplank to a series of Jumping stones. Click on each to make your way to a chest and search it for a map piece. You will take a small amount of damage if you fail.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (10)

  13. Return to the ship and go below. Search the chests till a Giant lobster (level 32) pops out; kill it and search again to get another map piece. Use one piece on another to make the completed map.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (11)

  14. Go to the port (pay 2 Ecto-tokens to pass through the wall) and talk with Ak-Haranu, a Samurai-looking guy on the dock. He will tell you that he will give you a book to translate from his language if you give him an Oak longbow signed by Robin (Robin hood, Jagex isn't very creative here).

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (12)

  15. Staying in the ghost town, grab your Oak longbow and about 300 gp from the handy Bank and go to the Tavern (shown on mini-map by the usual Beer). Talk to Robin about an autograph; he will say he won't give it but will ask for a game of Runedraw.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (13)

    It's very simple, just click "Draw" and then hope for some good runes to give you points. The one with the highest points wins, but whoever draws a Death rune automatically loses. Keep playing until you win 4 times and he owes you 100 gp. Now he will sign the bow for you so you won't tell the ghosts.

  16. Now go to Ak-Haranu and give him the bow and he will give you the Translation book. Now for the rather funny part of the quest. Go ask the innkeeper (at the Tavern) for a job; he will give you some bedsheets. You can wear them to be a brown ghost, but it's not an effective disguise. Go out of the port and down to the ectoplasm; dip your bedsheet in it. You will now have a ghost costume (just a bed sheet covered in ectoplasm). You can't wear it outside of the Port.

    Note: You can use a bucket of slime on the bedsheet to get the same effect as dipping it in the ectoplasm.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (14)

  17. Pay 2 Ecto-tokens to enter the Port again. Talk with Gravingas in the square near the gate, say you will help him. He will give you a petition. Put on your ghost costume and go around and ask the ghosts to sign for you (If you don't wear your costume, they will simply dismiss you). You can alternate between 2-3 different ghosts, but you cannot ask the same ghost in a row. Go back and show it to Gravingas when you are done. He will tell you to show it to Necrovarus. Go do it, and he will be furious and turn the petition into ashes. But wait! He drops a Bone key! Take it and go upstairs and use Bone key on door of the little room with the coffin. Open the coffin to get Mystical robes.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (15)

  18. If you don't have at least 25 Ecto-tokens (Or 10 ecto-tokens and the Ring of charos (a) from Garden of Tranquillity), go do the Bucket-and-bones routine to get them. GET YOUR SPADE from the Bank and bring your completed Treasure map. Go to the dock in the Port. Go to the row boat Captain and talk with him. He will take you to Dragontooth island for 25 Ecto-tokens.

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (16)

  19. Stand west of (in "front" of) the Saradomin statue. Read the map and follow the directions/steps you need to take. Right click the map and select the option "Follow". Your character will automatically walk to the proper location. You should be slightly south of the "neck" between the two parts of the island. Dig with your spade to get the Book of Haricanto. Head back to the rowboat and return to the Port (there is nothing else of interest on this island).

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (17)

  20. Go to the Old Crone with the 3 items, and she will enhance your Ghostspeak amulet to command ghosts. Go to Necrovarus and CAREFULLY command him to give the ghosts free will to leave to the other side. (It is rather easy to accidentally hit a command for him to act like a chicken - if you do this, return to the Old crone to get your amulet enchanted again.) He grudgingly obeys you. From now on you can pass through the gate for free, no more Ecto-tokens! Now go to Velorina and get your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (18)

The Vial is our long waited teleport to the Morytania region. Emptying it teleports you to the Ectofuntus, where you should immediately refill it for the next use. If you lose or drop the ectophial, simply go to Velorina and ask for a new one. You can have multiple Ectophials at a time.

This Old School Quest Guide was written by MuH-K0o0o. Thanks to Scamfighter, Chaosblade77, Andro_Girl, Fireball0236, Pingu Head, Xtarminator0, Watsermetjou, fieldy409, DeadCorpse99, Giac Jr, meowmix686, Im4eversmart, sheep01, Firk, trekkie, Blaol_tride, Tim8607, carduel, jubala, Cjdead, Jarkur, Super fly, 2003 Veteran, Haines, Kneeling, Mentos Fresh, NoxiousOwl, HC SUMMER, and Cookies Yumm for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Feb 16, 2005, at 04:11:39 AM by pokemama, and it was last updated on Wed, May 24, 2017, at 03:55:15 PM by DarkPyroNinja.

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OSRS Ghosts Ahoy - RuneScape Guide (2024)


Do you need ecto-tokens for Ghosts Ahoy? ›

Before completing the Ghosts Ahoy quest, players need to pay a toll of 2 ecto-tokens whenever they want to enter the fallen city Port Phasmatys. However, this toll can be ignored by chartering a ship to the city instead. After the quest, no more toll has to be paid.

How to start Ghost Ahoy? ›

Beginning the quest

Pay 2 ecto-tokens (right click the Energy Barrier entrance located north of Port Phasmatys) and go to the house directly east to speak to Velorina. She will explain the sad history of the ghosts of Port Phasmatys.

Where to find ghosts in OSRs? ›

Location Comparison
Melzar's Maze5Partial completion of Dragon Slayer I required.
Grave of Scorpius6
Mynydd5Be wary of high level Dire Wolves roaming the area.
North-east of dense essence mine5The ghosts are spread out on the path leading to the Soul Altar.
16 more rows

How to get to Port Phasmatys rs3? ›

There are two main entrances: one from the west, and another from the north. Prior to completion of the Ghosts Ahoy quest, entry to the town requires two ecto-tokens while wearing a ghostspeak amulet. After the quest the player may enter the town at no cost, and a ghostspeak amulet is no longer needed.

What is the fastest way to get ecto-tokens? ›

Players can earn ecto-tokens by worshipping the Ectofuntus; five tokens are granted per worship. Players can only worship 200 times before the Ectofuntus is full. Players must claim their earned ecto-tokens (200 worships will grant 1000 ecto-tokens) in order to continue worshipping.

How to fill ectophial osrs? ›

A player empties an ectophial to activate its teleportation. The ectophial is a reward for completing the Ghosts Ahoy quest. Players can empty it, causing them to be teleported to the Ectofuntus outside Port Phasmatys. Once the player teleports, they will automatically refill it.

How to get nettle tea in OSRs? ›

How to make nettle tea
  1. Fill a bowl with water.
  2. Put some picked nettles into the bowl of water.
  3. Boil the nettle-water by using it with a fire or range.
  4. Optional: Use the bowl of nettle-water with an empty cup.
  5. Optional: Lastly add a bucket of milk to create a milky bowl/cup of tea.
Jul 5, 2023

Where to get slime osrs? ›

Buckets of slime are filled with a slimy green glowing liquid, gathered from the basem*nt of the Ectofuntus near Port Phasmatys.

Do revs count as ghosts in OSRs? ›

As revenants are classified as ghosts, they count towards ghost Slayer assignments. Some may also double for other tasks, depending on the revenant in question. A salve amulet and its enchanted version also work against them.

What is Ghost weak to RuneScape? ›

Ghost - RuneScape Monster - RuneHQ. Weakness: Thrown weapons. Location: Draynor Manor (Middle Floor), Varrock Sewers, Taverley Dungeon, West Ardougne Graveyard, Haunted Mine, the Death Altar, and Forgotten Cemetery (level 40 Wilderness).

Where is the ghost's skull on RuneScape? ›

The ghost's skull can be found in the Lumbridge Swamp, near the south-east mining site. Search the rocks a bit to the east, and the skull will appear in your inventory. A skeleton warlock (level 7) will spawn when the skull is retrieved; you can either kill it or simply leave the area with the skull.

How do I get to Port Phasmatys without ecto-tokens? ›

Another convenient way to get to Port Phasmastys is to teleport to the Catherby docks using a 'Chipped' Camelot teleport and charter a ship to Port Phasmatys. A fairy ring (code ALQ) is located to the west of town.

Can you charter to Port Phasmatys? ›

Entry to the town requires two ecto-tokens or the completion of Ghosts Ahoy for free passage. Alternatively, a charter ship can be used to bypass the ecto-token requirement before completion of the quest.

How to crush bones in OSRs? ›

To crush a set of bones, use a pestle and mortar on it. It will slowly grind the bones one by one, but the speed can be significantly increased by crushing each set of bones manually.

How do you get ecto-tokens in Ghost Simulator? ›

After you latch onto a ghost, it'll take a bit of time before it's all vacuumed up; the more players that are helping you, the faster they'll be defeated. You can then sell your captured ghoulies for Ecto-Tokens, which can be exchanged for more powerful vacuums and larger backpack capacity.

How to get a new ghostspeak amulet? ›

The ghostspeak amulet or Amulet of Ghostspeak is obtained during The Restless Ghost quest, from Father Uhrney in the Lumbridge Swamp. If the amulet has been lost, a player can always speak with Father Uhrney to receive another one. When worn, it can be used to talk with some ghosts.

How many ecto-tokens to charge bonecrusher? ›

The bonecrusher must be charged with ecto-tokens to function, gaining 25 charges per ecto-token used. One charge is used per bone crushed. The charge limit is 2,147,483,647. Uncharging the bonecrusher will return one ecto-token per 25 charges stored.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.