Necessary Assumption - LSAT Logical Reasoning (2024)

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

Standard sheets of printer paper do not vary in theamount of wood pulp that they contain. Twenty-five percent ofthe wood pulp contained in a certain class of sheets ofstandard printer paper (Class B) was recycled fromused sheets of standard printer paper of a different class (Class A). Since all Class A sheets were recycled into Class B sheetsand since the amount of material other thanwood pulp in a sheet of standard printer paper is negligible, it followsthat Class B contains 4 times as many sheets of paper as Class A.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically ifwhich one of the following is assumed?

Possible Answers:

Class B sheets of paper cannot be recycled further.

All of the paper in Class A had been made from recycled wood pulp.

Unrecycled wood pulp is of better quality than recycled wood pulp.

When a sheet of standard printer paper is a recycled, all of its wood pulp is recovered.

The percentage of wood pulp in a sheet of standard printer paper that can be recovered during recycling varies depending on how such paper was used.

Correct answer:

When a sheet of standard printer paper is a recycled, all of its wood pulp is recovered.


Since 25 percent of wood pulp in the Class B sheets comes from recycled Class A sheets, the maximum number of Class B sheets is 4 times the number of Class A sheets. However, the correct answer correctly notices that the maximum number of Class B sheets can be produced only if all pulp from the Class A sheets can be recovered through recycling; if less than all of the pulp can be recovered, the actual number of Class B sheets produced will fall short of the maximum. For example, if there were 100 Class A sheets recycled, but only 25 percent of pulp could be recovered through recycling, only 100 Class B sheets could be produced.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

Soccer players are faster than baseball players because soccer players use more strenuous training programs. Baseball players should use the same training programs as soccer players to become more athletic. More athletic players will be more successful.

Which of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

Possible Answers:

Players who become faster become more athletic

Speed is important to success in baseball

Baseball requires different skills than soccer

Baseball players do not train very often during the season

Fast baseball players sometimes also play soccer

Correct answer:

Players who become faster become more athletic


The argument asserts that different training programs cause soccer players to be faster than baseball players. The next assertion is that baseball players would become more athletic if they used training programs of soccer players. This only follows if becoming faster necessarily makes one more athletic.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

It is important that each driver have an insurance policy before driving on the road. Otherwise, people may not be compensated when they are injured in car accidents. Everyone injured in accidents deserves to be compensated.

The argument assumes which of the following?

Possible Answers:

All car accidents result in injuries

No one who is in an accident but is uninjured deserves to be compensated

If every driver is insured, every person injured in an accident will be compensated

Those who are injured in accidents are never at fault for those accidents

Compensation always requires monetary payment

Correct answer:

If every driver is insured, every person injured in an accident will be compensated


If injured people might not be compensated even if every driver has insurance, then the argument's conclusion does not follow.

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Example Question #1 : Determining Which Answer Is An Assumption On Which The Argument Depends

The production of pencil sharpeners can no longer be profitable. This is because various factors have decreased demand for pencil sharpeners. First, pens are used far more than they once were. Second, those who use pencils often use mechanical pencils. Finally, increased use of electronics has decreased the need for handwriting.

The argument depends on which of the following assumptions?

Possible Answers:

Students no longer prefer pencils over pens for math calculations

Production of pencil sharpeners cannot be profitable if there is a decreased demand for them

Anything that can be accomplished with pencils can also be accomplished with electronics

Availability of mechanical pencils has increased

Pencil sharpeners are only in demand for the purpose of sharpening pencils

Correct answer: Production of pencil sharpeners cannot be profitable if there is a decreased demand for them

Explanation: The argument's assertion is that production of pencil sharpeners cannot be profitable. The argument does not link this assertion to the rest of the argument, however. Instead, it supports the claim that demand has decreased. The argument assumes that decreased demand has made production of pencil sharpeners unprofitable.

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Example Question #251 : Lsat Logical Reasoning

The business model of internet cafes is no longer capable of success in the United States. This is because the availability of internet has skyrocketed over the past several years. Free wifi is offered in most major coffee shops and stores. Additionally, Americans have mobile devices with plans that provide them with internet access. For those without devices, public libraries also provide computers offering internet access, free of charge.

The argument depends on which of the following assumptions?

Possible Answers:

Major coffee shops are in direct competition with internet cafes.

Public libraries are the only accessible locations where anyone can use the internet.

Internet cafes do not offer any other services, aside from online access, that would enable them to be profitable.

Internet cafes can still be profitable in other countries, just not the United States.

Internet cafes were profitable five years ago.

Correct answer:

Internet cafes do not offer any other services, aside from online access, that would enable them to be profitable.


The correct answer is:

Internet cafes do not offer any other services, aside from online access, that would enable them to be profitable.

The crux of the argument is that internet cafes are not successful because the service that they offer -- online access -- is now made available for free by other outlets. However, this argument depends on the assumption that internet cafes do NOT offer any other services that would make them profitable -- such as a community base that would attract clients, or food and beverages that consumers would be interested in buying.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

A law degree is necessary to practice as an attorney. Further, no one who has demonstrated moral turpitude may be admitted to practice law. Consequently, Smith, who was convicted of embezzlement several years ago, cannot be admitted to practice law.

The argument follows logically if which of the following is assumed?

Possible Answers:

Embezzlement is a serious crime.

Smith's conviction is nor revocable.

Embezzlement raises issues of integrity which can bar someone from practicing as an attorney.

Embezzlement demonstrates moral turpitude.

Behavior that demonstrates moral turpitude includes the commission of certain crimes.

Correct answer:

Embezzlement demonstrates moral turpitude.


To answer this question, it is necessary to realize that the criteria to practice law requires that a person not demonstrate moral turpitude. Therefore, there has to be a link between Smith's embezzlement and the moral turpitude. Therefore, ifembezzlement demonstrates moral turpitude, then the argument flows logically.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

Sports commentator: Miles has received criticism from fans and sportswriters as a second-rate basketball player because he is considered too short and he cannot dribble effectively with his left hand. But this evaluation of Miles’s virtues as a basketball player is unfair, since there have been successful running backs in professional football who are short and who exhibited a strong preference for veering towards the right to evade tacklers.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

Possible Answers:

Some sports fans do not appreciate how short stature can be advantageous in football and basketball and how quickness can override any handicap arising from preferring the right over the left when moving on a court or field.

Evaluation of basketball players must take into account what position they play on a team, and in particular, what kind of role a coach assigns to them to effectuate the goals of the team.

Height and left-right preferences have comparable value in football and basketball.

Miles’s virtues as a basketball player should be determined by relevant statistics, such as shooting percentage and steals.

It is unfair to jump to conclusions about athletic prowess and effectiveness simply because a player is short.

Correct answer:

Height and left-right preferences have comparable value in football and basketball.


In any assumption question, we must identify what term, concept, or idea is expressed in the evidence that does not appear in the conclusion. In this instance, the evidence concerns football running backs. Therefore, any viable answer choice must refer meaningfully to football. Any answer choice that does not do this should be eliminated. The essence of the argument here involves an assumption that football and basketball are comparable sports. So the correct answer is: Height and left-right preferences have a comparable value in football and basketball.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

It is wrong to condemn the eating of lobster. Lobsters do not have the kind of cognitive abilities that permits meaningful self-awareness, and that sort of cognitive ability is essential to experience suffering.

The conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

Possible Answers:

Any sentient being that can experience suffering must necessarily have highly developed cognitive abilities.

Only sentient beings that can experience suffering ought to be considered outside the realm of edible food for humans.

Only organisms that are self-aware can experience suffering.

If lobsters ought not to be eaten because they can experience suffering, then the same is true with respect to pigs.

Any sentient beings that can experience suffering deserve to be treated respectfully.

Correct answer:

Only sentient beings that can experience suffering ought to be considered outside the realm of edible food for humans.


The assumption must speak to the issue of “experiencing suffering,” since that is the missing term in the conclusion. The correct answer links that new term to the conclusion regarding what humans ought to eat and not eat. Thus, the correct answer is: Only sentient beings that can experience suffering ought to be considered outside the realm of edible food for humans.

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Example Question #1 : Necessary Assumption

Outlining a story's plotline before actually drafting the story reduces the amount of writing time. But writing a story through free-writing to generate a first draft, which then can be reformulated through rigorous editing, produces a more creative narration of events. Therefore, when quality fiction writing is more important than generating a quick writing product, outlining should give way to free-writing.

Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?

Possible Answers:

Writing is never improved through outlining or other time-saving strategies.

Fiction writing is a painstaking process that cannot be made easier through outlining.

The more creative the storytelling, the better the finished product, at least when it comes to fiction.

Creative narration of events in a story enhances the quality of fiction writing.

Free-writing is best used in fiction writing, but its value in expository writing is suspect.

Correct answer:

Creative narration of events in a story enhances the quality of fiction writing.


The conclusion speaks of free-writing as better than outlining when it comes to generating quality fiction. The premise (i.e., the evidence) for that conclusion speaks of "creative narration of events." That idea does not appear in the conclusion, so in order to link the premise to the conclusion, the assumption must address it in some meaningful way. The correct answer here does just that, by linking the idea of "creative narration of events" and the point in the conclusion about quality fiction.

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Example Question #1 : Determining Which Answer Is An Assumption On Which The Argument Depends

The company now only hires persons with a post-graduate degree. Further, the company prefers to hire employees with significant work experience. Performance evaluations over the years have shown, however, that new hires with significant work experience outperform those without such experience, regardless of education level. Therefore, if the company relaxes the degree requirement and makes significant work experience mandatory, overall employee performance among new hires should increase.

Which one of the following is an assumption that would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

Possible Answers:

The company's hiring policy has been in place long enough to determine its long-term effects.

Some new hires at the company have previously included persons who have a post-graduate degree, but no significant work experience.

Some persons with post-graduate degrees have been unable to gain significant work experience while completing their studies.

New hires are evaluated by the company every six months to determine their employee performance.

All performance evaluations by the company are done fairly and accurately.

Correct answer:

Some new hires at the company have previously included persons who have a post-graduate degree, but no significant work experience.


The correct answer is an unstated premise necessary to the argument’s conclusion, which is that “overall employee performance among new hires should increase.” Without this premise, it is possible that new hires’ performance will merely remain the same, as the company’s new hires may have all had significant work experience (despite it being a preference and not a requirement).

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Necessary Assumption - LSAT Logical Reasoning (2024)


What is a sufficient assumption in Logical Reasoning? ›

Some questions in the Logical Reasoning section ask you to identify a sufficient assumption—that is, an assumption that would guarantee that a conclusion follows logically from the given support.

What are the tricks for necessary assumption questions? ›

Strategies for approaching necessary assumption questions include identifying the conclusion and premises, prephrasing to anticipate gaps or objections, and evaluating answer choices through negation.

How do you answer sufficient assumption questions on the LSAT? ›

The way to answer sufficient assumption questions is to arrange the evidence, find the gap, and add a new premise that lets you draw the conclusion. Here, conditional logic is key, but this will not always be the case.

What is the difference between sufficient and necessary assumption questions on the LSAT? ›

A necessary assumption must be true in order for the argument to work, whereas a sufficient assumption guarantees that the argument works. In the same way, rocket fuel is necessary for a rocket launch, but it doesn't guarantee the success of the launch.

What is an example of a necessary assumption? ›

A sufficient assumption is an assumption that, if true, would make the whole argument totally valid. A necessary assumption is an assumption that needs to be true in order for the main conclusion to be possible. For example: Frank is talking to Suzy at a bar. Therefore, Frank will get Suzy's phone number.

What is necessary and sufficient in logical reasoning? ›

We say that the statement A is a necessary and sufficient condition for the statement B when B is true if and only if A is also true. That is, either A and B are both true, or they are both false.

How to get better at flaw questions in LSAT? ›

One of the most effective strategies for identifying flawed reasoning in LSAT Logical Reasoning questions is to read the argument carefully. Some specific tips you can use are: Pay attention to the premises and conclusions of the argument, and look for inconsistencies or logical errors between them.

What is the negation technique on the LSAT necessary assumption? ›

Assumption means “missing piece,” so Necessary Assumption questions are about finding a critical missing piece of the argument that, when negated, would disprove the conclusion of the argument. The technique we use is to consider the opposite of each answer choice.

What are the 4 key assumptions? ›

  • The Four Basic Assumptions.
  • There is No Absolute Truth.
  • All of Us Are Doing the Best We Can.
  • All of Us Can Do Better, Try Harder.
  • Interpret Situations In the Most Benign Way Possible.

How many correct answers do you need to get 160 on the LSAT? ›

Generally, there are 77 or 78 scored questions on the LSAT. In order to get a 160, you'll need to get around 57 of these questions right. Between the 3 scored sections, that's about 19 right answers for each section. If you're good at one section, but not so good at another, your score will average out.

What is the most common LSAT question? ›

Identify the Flaw (6–10 per exam)

Identify the Flaw is the most common Logical Reasoning problem type, and these questions simply ask us to select the answer that most accurately represents the reasoning issue in the argument.

How can I answer my LSAT questions faster? ›

7 Tips to Improve Your LSAT Speed
  1. Don't rush to answer every question. ...
  2. Work quickly on easier questions. ...
  3. Skip harder questions (or leave them for later) ...
  4. Move on when you're stuck. ...
  5. Don't rush to read the answer choices. ...
  6. Set realistic pacing goals for each section. ...
  7. Practice!

How many questions can you get wrong in each section of the LSAT? ›

How Many Questions Can You Answer Incorrectly? To achieve a score of 170 on the LSAT, you can answer a maximum of 11 questions incorrectly. In other words, you should aim to correctly answer 90 out of the 101 total questions to reach your desired score of 170.

What is an example of necessary vs sufficient? ›

"Being a father is a sufficient condition for being male, and being male is a necessary condition for being a father." (But being a father is not a necessary condition for being a male [e.g. James Dean was not a father, but was male]; and being a male is not a sufficient condition for being a father [again the case of ...

How do you identify necessary and sufficient conditions on the LSAT? ›

LSAT Formal Logic: Understanding Necessary vs. Sufficient Conditions
  1. Necessary Condition: A necessary condition is a condition that must be present in order for a particular outcome to occur. ...
  2. Sufficient Condition: A sufficient condition is a condition that guarantees, by its presence alone, the desired outcome.
Sep 1, 2023

What is an assumption in logical reasoning? ›

An assumption is unstated information that must be true for the logic of the argument to work. Simply expressed, an assumption is something that the argument assumes while coming to a conclusion .

What is an example of a sufficient condition in logic? ›

Similarly, everyone is familiar with the concept of a sufficient condition. For example, it suffices (i.e. it is sufficient for) an object's having four sides that it is a square. Or, again, it is sufficient for your having something to drink that you have a glass of Coca-Cola®.

What is an example of sufficient reasoning? ›

Thus, for example, I can be sitting, lying down, or standing: all these states are equally possible. Yet if I am standing, there must be a sufficient reason for me to be standing, rather than sitting or lying down.

What is an example of an assumption in logic? ›

A logical assumption is simply an idea that can be inferred, or identified, in a text without the writer stating it in an obvious way. One simple example may be the logical assumption that if you do not turn in your homework, your teacher will be disappointed in you.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.