Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (2024)

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Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (1)


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Your Personal Result




healthy weight









morbidly obese

Your ideal weight range

148.5lb - 158.5lb

Your ideal weight range

148.5lb - 158.5lb

What do you find most difficult about reaching your goal?

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (4)

Giving up my favorite food

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (5)

Incorporating exercise into my daily routine

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (6)

Feeling like I can't indulge anymore

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (7)

Staying motivated when progress slows

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (8)

Keeping an eye on my calories and nutrients

We'll show you how!

That sounds really frustrating...

But you know what? That's not necessary. With YAZIO, you'll learn to eat a balanced diet and reach your goal weight healthily and sustainable—all without cutting out any foods!

Connect the YAZIO app with your fitness tracker and all your activities will be tracked automatically. Not only will this help you keep track, it will keep you motivated as well!

With YAZIO, you can reach your goal without cutting out any foods or dishes. Everything is allowed! Plus, if you need some inspiration, there are over 2,000 delicious recipes waiting for you in the app.

But you're definitely not alone. Difficult phases like these are completely normal and will pass. YAZIO can help you stay motivated and keep an overview of your progress at all times.

The YAZIO app calculates your individual calorie and nutrient requirements. Thanks to clear and detailed analyses, you'll be able to keep an overview throughout your day.

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Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (11)

Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Reach and maintain your ideal weight with your personalized plan.

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Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (12)

Success Stories from the YAZIO App

Amber, 40-40 lbBetween running and biking every day, my weight has started coming down again and I have started seeing my body become very sculpted...Continue reading
Dennis, 25-111 lbIf you want to accomplish something, then you will accomplish it, regardless of how bumpy the road is. I always told myself: I can't...Continue reading

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Calculating your Ideal Body Weight

Easily calculate your ideal body weight

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “What is my ideal weight?” Now, with the ideal body weight calculator from YAZIO, you can stop wondering! Quickly and easily find out how many kilos you’ll need to drop to feel your absolute best. Simply enter your gender, age, height and current weight, and we’ll display your ideal body weight in an easy-to-read...Continue reading

Easily calculate your ideal body weight

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “What is my ideal weight?” Now, with the ideal body weight calculator from YAZIO, you can stop wondering! Quickly and easily find out how many kilos you’ll need to drop to feel your absolute best. Simply enter your gender, age, height and current weight, and we’ll display your ideal body weight in an easy-to-read ideal weight chart. Not only does our free, online calculator look at whether your female or male and child, teenager or adult, it also takes into account your personal activity, body type and overall genetic make-up. With a calculator so simple, you’ll no longer be asking yourself “What IS my ideal weight?” You’ll be on your way there, instead!

How to calculate your ideal body weight

Simply put, your ideal body weight means you’re neither too thin (underweight) nor too big (overweight), rather you have a slender, healthy figure. The best way to determine this is through a BMI, or body mass index, calculation. Our free calculator utilizes the scientifically approved formula m / l², focusing on your height, as well as age and gender, to appropriately place you within our ideal weight chart. By incorporating this information, our calculator can determine the ideal weight for both women and men, as well as the how much you should weigh for a specific height. Our easy-to-read chart can then help you understand where your healthy weight should be. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ideal weight falls within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25. Our online calculator places the ideal weight for women at a BMI of 21, and the ideal weight for men at a BMI value of 23. By accomplishing an ideal weight for your height, you can prevent all kinds of complications caused by being overweight or underweight. Plus, you’ll not only be much healthier, but you’ll feel great too.

Interpreting Ideal Body Weight

Factors influencing ideal weight

We’re all individuals, and that means what we should weigh depends on our individual lifestyle and genetics as well. In addition to age, gender and height, your ideal weight should incorporate several other aspects. Take activity for example. “No activity” compared to “very high activity” can change the “ideal” weight of an individual. As a result, those...Continue reading

Factors influencing ideal weight

We’re all individuals, and that means what we should weigh depends on our individual lifestyle and genetics as well. In addition to age, gender and height, your ideal weight should incorporate several other aspects. Take activity for example. “No activity” compared to “very high activity” can change the “ideal” weight of an individual. As a result, those who are very active in sports can yield a different value than someone who might describe themself as a couch potato. Genetic make-up should also be taken into account. A petite female will most certainly have a different ideal weight than that of broad- shouldered, adult male. Furthermore, men tend to naturally have a higher muscle percentage than women, resulting in a higher ideal values. This can be taken into account in the “Assessment” field, where you can select a body type with high fat or high muscle percentage.

Significance of an ideal weight value

It’s important to keep in mind that the ideal weight chart displayed from our calculator is an approximate calculation, and should therefore be seen as a benchmark value. As previously mentioned, these values can vary significantly based on lifestyle and body make-up, as in fat versus muscle content. This is especially apparent with athletes who tend to have a higher muscle percentage, and who are then, despite their healthy figures, sometimes placed in the overweight category. In actual fact, it is high fat content, not muscle percentage, which results in obesity and possible heath consequences. In other words, an ideal body weight cannot be equated with the proper weight for someone’s body type, but should guide an individual instead. While, in many cases, someone’s idea of ideal weight depends highly on society’s definition of beauty, it’s important that each individual feels comfortable and healthy in their own skin.

Calculate your Ideal Body Weight: FREE Calculator - YAZIO (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.