AP Human Geography Exam Study Guide | AP HUG | Fiveable (2024)

Your Guide to the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam

We know that studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We created a study plan to help you crush your AP Human Geography exam. This guide will continue to update with information about the 2024 exams, as well as helpful resources to help you do your best on test day. Unlock Cram Mode for access to our cram events—students who have successfully passed their AP exams will answer your questions and guide your last-minute studying LIVE! And don't miss out on unlimited access to our database of thousands of practice questions.

Format of the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam

Going into test day, this is the exam format to expect:

  • 60 multiple-choice questions with 1 hour to complete them.

    • About 30-40% of these questions will have a stimulus attached (data, image, map, etc.).

  • 3 free-response questions with 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete them.

    • Question 1 will have text only.

    • Question 2 will have one stimulus (data, image, or map).

    • Question 3 includes two stimuli (data, images, and/or maps).

    • Each question is worth 7 points.

👉 Check out the 2023 AP Human Geography Free-Response Section posted on the College Board site.

Scoring Rubric for the AP Human Geography Exam

View an example set of questions and the corresponding scoring guidelines (page 178) from the College Board to get an idea of what they look for in your responses! The first provided question models a free-response question with no stimulus, while the second provided question models an FRQ with two stimuli.

Check out our study plan below to find resources and tools to prepare for your AP Human Geography exam.

When is the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam and How Do I Take it?

Tests will be taken in person at your school. Here is what we know from College Board so far:

  • The exam will be in-person and on paper at your school on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 8 am, your local time.

You will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to take the exam. We will have more updates from the College Board soon, but as of now, this is what we know!

How should I prepare for the exam?

  • First, download the AP Human Geography Cheatsheet PDF - a single sheet that covers everything you need to know at a high level. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses!

  • We've put together the study plan found below to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam. Pay special attention to the units that you need the most improvement in.

    • Study vocab! The exam (especially the multiple-choice) is very vocabulary and terminology heavy, so make flashcards, Quizlets...whatever works best for you.

  • Study, practice, and review for test day with other students during our live cram sessions via Cram Mode. Cram live streams will teach, review, and practice important topics from AP courses, college admission tests, and college admission topics. These streams are hosted by experienced students who know what you need to succeed.

Pre-Work: Set Up Your Study Environment

Before you begin studying, take some time to get organized.

🖥 Create a study space.

Make sure you have a designated place at home to study. Somewhere you can keep all of your materials, where you can focus on learning, and where you are comfortable. Spend some time prepping the space with everything you need and you can even let others in the family know that this is your study space.

📚 Organize your study materials.

Get your notebook, textbook, prep books, or whatever other physical materials you have. Also create a space for you to keep track of review. Start a new section in your notebook to take notes or start a Google Doc to keep track of your notes. Get yourself set up!

📅 Plan designated times for studying.

The hardest part about studying from home is sticking to a routine. Decide on one hour every day that you can dedicate to studying. This can be any time of the day, whatever works best for you. Set a timer on your phone for that time and really try to stick to it. The routine will help you stay on track.

🏆 Decide on an accountability plan.

How will you hold yourself accountable to this study plan? You may or may not have a teacher or rules set up to help you stay on track, so you need to set some for yourself. First set your goal. This could be studying for x number of hours or getting through a unit. Then, create a reward for yourself. If you reach your goal, then x. This will help stay focused!

🤝 Get support from your peers.

There are thousands of students all over the world who are preparing for their AP exams just like you! JoinRooms🤝to chat, ask questions, and meet other students who are also studying for the spring exams. You can even build study groups and review material together!

AP Human Geography 2024 Study Plan

🗺 Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

Big takeaways:

The first unit of AP Human Geography contains an introduction in maps and how to understand geographic data. It also covers how to effectively analyze different factors of regional areas, as well as the role spatial concepts and identification have on the impacts of human and environmental changes and development.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Everything You Need to Know about Maps

  • Overview of Unit 1

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 1 Overview: Thinking Geographically

  • 1.1 Introduction to Maps and Types of Maps

  • 1.2 Geographic Data

  • 1.3 The Power and Uses of Geographic Data

  • 1.4 Spatial Concepts

  • 1.5 Humans and Environmental Interaction

  • 1.6 What are Scales of Analysis?

  • 1.7 Regional Analysis

✍️ Practice:

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • How to Effectively Take Notes

  • Unit 1 Review on Geographic Thinking

👪Unit 2: Population and Migration

Big takeaways:

Unit 2 focuses on the various patterns and processes that human populations demonstrate. It will also examine the various population distributions and population pyramids. Students must understand the short term and the long term impacts of population migration, as well as the impact on the culture’s economy and the society.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Unit 2 Population Review

  • Population and Migration

  • Causes of Migration

  • Population Growth and Decline

  • Population Pyramids

  • Malthusian Theory Explanation

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 2 Overview: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

  • 2.2 Consequences of Population Distribution

  • 2.3 Population Composition

  • 2.4 Population Dynamics

  • 2.5 The Demographic Transition Model

  • 2.6 Malthusian Theory and Geography

  • 2.7 Population Policies

  • 2.8 Women and Demographic Change

  • 2.9 Aging Populations

  • 2.10 Push and Pull Factors in Migration

  • 2.11 Forced vs. Voluntary Migration

  • 2.12 Effects of Migration

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Unit 2 and 3 Complete Review

✍️ Practice:

🕌Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

Big takeaways:

This unit focuses on all of the patterns, conditions, and customs that create cultural identities throughout the world. You should be able to analyze and understand images and their roles in religion, language, attitudes, beliefs, and other cultural values. This unit also covers diffusion of culture, and how cultures grow, change, and spread as humans interact and become more technologically advanced. This unit creates a foundation for future units and makes sure that students are able to understand and identify the important cultural values and how those values impact politics, society, the economy, and other factors that are a part of a community.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • What is culture?

  • Diffusion of Culture

  • The Role of Language and Culture

  • Race and Ethnicity Part 1 and Part 2

  • Unit 3 Review of Cultural Patterns and Processes

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • 3.1 Introduction to Culture

  • 3.2 Cultural Landscapes

  • 3.3 Cultural Patterns

  • 3.4 Types of Cultural Diffusion

  • 3.5 Historical Causes of Cultural Diffusion

  • 3.6 Contemporary Causes of Cultural Diffusion

  • 3.7 Diffusion of Religion and Language

  • 3.8 Effects of Cultural Diffusion

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Unit 2 and 3 Complete Review

  • All about Diffusion

  • The Cultural Landscape

🗳Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

Big takeaways:

Unit 4 focuses on the landscape of politics and how it impacts different cultures and relationships between different cultures. Students will work to understand the political boundaries and contemporary issues relating to both internal and international problems. This unit also covers devolution and the many different forms of government that are present throughout the world. Additionally, this unit highlights centrifugal and centripetal forces and puts emphasis on having students understand the causes and effects that lead to cultural shifts and changes.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • What is a state?

  • Territories, Boundaries, and Governances

  • Types of Boundaries, Disputes, and Territorial Morphology

  • Devolution

  • Supranationalism

📰 Check out Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 4 Overview: Political Patterns and Processes

  • 4.1 Introduction to Political Geography

  • 4.2 Political Processes

  • 4.3 Political Power and Territoriality

  • 4.4 Defining Political Boundaries

  • 4.5 The Function of Political Boundaries

  • 4.6 Internal Boundaries

  • 4.7 Forms of Governance

  • 4.8 Defining Devolutionary Factors

  • 4.9 Challenges to Sovereignty

  • 4.10 Consequences of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Shapes of States

  • Sovereignty and Centripetal and Centrifugal Force

👨‍🌾Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use

Big takeaways:

This unit of AP Human Geography focuses on the impacts of agriculture and the changes as societies and communities have evolved. Students use their knowledge of spatial patterns to consider and understand the roles that various resources and agricultural techniques play in the contemporary world. Students will learn about the diffusion of agriculture and the important technological innovations that have changed global markets and individual communities. This unit will lay the foundation for an understanding of economic development and change, covered in later units, and will allow for new perspectives on modern problems.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Agricultural History and Revolutions

  • Changes in Agriculture

  • Spatial Organization and Settlement Patterns

  • The Green Revolution

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 5 Overview: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

  • 5.1 Introduction to Agriculture

  • 5.2 Settlement Patterns and Survey Methods

  • 5.3 Agricultural Origins and Diffusions

  • 5.4 The Second Agricultural Revolution

  • 5.5 The Green Revolution

  • 5.6 Agricultural Production Regions

  • 5.7 Spatial Organization of Agriculture

  • 5.8 The Von Thunen Model

  • 5.9 The Global System of Agriculture

  • 5.10 Consequences of Agricultural Practices

  • 5.11 Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture

  • 5.12 Women in Agriculture

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • The Development of Agriculture

  • Rural Land-Use Patterns

🌇Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use

Big takeaways:

Unit 6 is all about cities, their development, and being able to understand the role globalization had in forming the contemporary world. Students should be able to use spatial distribution, census data, and other forms of information to gain a better understanding of urban settings and the patterns within them. In addition, this unit covers sustainability and the necessary steps on a local and global level. This unit ties together past units about politics and the economy, so students have a wider sense of the impacts and problems facing urban areas and cities today.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Globalization and Urbanization

  • Urban Challenges

  • Urban Location Theories

  • Sustainability and Challenges to Sustainable Cities

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • 6.1 The Origin and Influences of Urbanization

  • 6.2 Cities Across the World

  • 6.3 Cities and Globalization

  • 6.4 The Size and Distribution of Cities

  • 6.5 The Internal Structure of Cities

  • 6.6 Density and Land Use

  • 6.7 Infrastructure in Urban Development

  • 6.8 Urban Sustainability

  • 6.9 Urban Data

  • 6.10 Challenges of Urban Changes

  • 6.11 Challenges of Urban Sustainability

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Urban Models and the Hierarchy of Cities

💸Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development

Big takeaways:

The final unit covers the industrial revolution and the continued industrialization occurring in modern day, as well as its impact. After this unit, students will be able to understand social, economic, and cultural growth and the impact of globalization, industrialization, migration, and other topics covered in this course. This unit will also teach you about the global and local markets, economies, and industries throughout the world and their relationships to one another. This final unit will pull together the rest of the topics so students leave the course with a well-rounded understanding of the global patterns and processes that fuel the growth of countries and their cultures.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • The Industrial Revolution

  • Socioeconomic and Sustainable Development

  • Economic Interdependence

  • The Global Economy

📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 7 Overview: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

  • 7.1 The Industrial Revolution

  • 7.2 Economic Sectors and Patterns

  • 7.3 Measures of Development

  • 7.4 Women and Economic Development

  • 7.5 Theories of Development

  • 7.6 Trade and the World Economy

  • 7.7 Changes as a Result of the World Economy

  • 7.8 Sustainable Development

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Measures of Development

  • Changes in Industrial Geography

AP Human Geography Exam Study Guide | AP HUG | Fiveable (2024)


What percent is a 5 on AP Hug? ›

75% or more = 5.

Is the AP Hug exam hard? ›

AP Human Geography is widely recommended as an introductory-level AP course. Students tend to regard the course content as "easy," while the exam is difficult. Historically, the majority of students earn the lowest possible score on this exam.

How do you pass the AP hug test? ›

  1. Join or form an AP study group. ...
  2. Know geographic models and theories inside and out. ...
  3. Manage your stress. ...
  4. Focus on specific themes. ...
  5. Pay attention to keywords and commands in the question. ...
  6. Don't skip any questions! ...
  7. Take lots of practice tests. ...
  8. Don't spend too much time on any one question.

How do you get a 5 on AP hug exam? ›

There is no golden secret to getting a 5 on the AP® Human Geography exam. It takes a mixture of study habits, content knowledge, and practice to score high. A good portion of the exam is also interpreting data like graphs, charts and maps, so be sure to practice your skills with these aspects as well.

Do colleges care about AP hug? ›

If you fail the AP® Human Geography exam, you will not receive college credit for the course. Most colleges will not award college credit for any score lower than a 3 (some schools require a 4 for college credit).

Is the APHG test curved? ›

Why are AP Human Geography scores curved? The AP Human Geography exam scores are curved to ensure uniformity and standardization across paper, digital, and timed exams.

How long is the APHG exam in 2024? ›

Format of the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam

60 multiple-choice questions with 1 hour to complete them.

What is the pass rate for AP hug? ›

What is the average AP Human Geography score?
YearPercentage of students who received passing score on AP HUG exam
2 more rows
Feb 9, 2024

Are AP hug scores out? ›

Get Ready for 2024 AP Scores

Your 2024 AP Exam scores will be available starting Monday, July 8.

What is the hardest AP exam to get a 5? ›

TOP 10 Toughest AP Subject to Score a 5

AP 3-D Art and Design tops this list with the 5-score rate of 6.4% but has a passing rate of 73.5%. So while it is the hardest AP subject to achieve a perfect 5, the second on this list, AP Physics 1, is actually the hardest.

What percent correct is a 5 on an AP exam? ›

As a general guide, though, you can consider roughly more than 70% correct as being in the 5 range, 50-69% for a score of 4, 40-49% for a score of 3, 30-39% for a 2, and below 30% would likely be a 1. Again, these ranges are approximations and can vary by subject and by year.

What is a 3 out of 5 on AP exam? ›

Scoring a 3, 4, or 5 on any AP® exam is generally considered good. Typically, a 3 is defined as 'qualified,' 4 as 'well qualified,' and a 5 as 'extremely well qualified.

What percent is a 5 on AP US Gov? ›

Scoring at least 83% on the AP Gov exam can get you a 5.

What percent is a 5 on AP Bio? ›

However, as a rough estimate, scoring around 70%-75% of the total points available on the exam should put you in a good position to earn a 5. The AP Biology exam is divided into two main sections: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Free-Response Questions (FRQs).

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.