Les lunettes n'aident pas seulement les gens à mieux voir. Depuis leur invention au 13esiècle en Italie, elles ont été autant des déclarations de mode que des déclarations d'utilité. À l'époque, elles étaient en bois et en cuir ou encore en corne d'animal, avec des lentilles en verre soufflé. Aujourd'hui, ils sont en métal ou en plastique.
Cependant, lorsque vous entrez dans les lunettes qui sont les déclarations vraiment à la mode, les sommets des créateurs de marques de luxe comme Cartier et Chanel, vous pouvez trouver des pièces vraiment exotiques. Ce ne sont pas vos lunettes ordinaires. Ce sont ceux fabriqués à partir d'alliages précieux, d'or, de pierres, etc. Certains sont même redevenus en bois, désormais pour des raisons plus chics que pratiques.
Continuez à lire pour en savoir plus sur les 8 lunettes les plus chères, y compris des informations sur les entreprises qui les ont fabriquées et les spécifications (jeu de mots) de chacune d'elles. Notez que nous excluons les lunettes de soleil de cette liste et les conservons pour une autre fois.
Lunettes optiques Balmain avec logo Prix:609 $
Matériel:Acétate et métal

sources photos :Mince
Les lunettes optiques Balmain avec logo sont vendues parMince. Leurs montures épaisses entièrement noires sont audacieuses et élégantes - ces lunettes ne sont pas destinées aux personnes à la recherche de montures invisibles. Les montures ont des plaques logo ton or et elles sont livrées dans un étui en cuir argenté de marque Balmain.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir ces toutes nouvelles lunettes tendance pour la saison de la mode printemps et été 2022, vous devrez débourser 609 $.
La maison de couture de luxe connue sous le nom de Pierre Balmain S.A., généralement abrégé enBalmain, a été fondée à Paris en 1945. Ils appartiennent maintenant à Mayhoola Investments et continuent de fabriquer leur haute couture de luxe, notamment des parfums, des bijoux et des vêtements de prêt-à-porter. Leurs lunettes et leurs montres continuent de faire des déclarations audacieuses chaque année.
Frêne comanche Prix:695 $
Marque:Jacques Marie Mage
Matériel:Acétate et bêta-titane
Ces lunettes connues sous le nom de lunettes Comanche avec la palette de couleurs Ash ont été conçues parJacques Marie Magede Los Angeles mais fabriqué à la main par leur filiale au Japon. Ils portent le nom de la tribu amérindienne Comanche et ont des plaquettes de nez réglables confortables, une forme de cadre unisexe et une charnière en titane. Des lentilles anti-lumière bleue peuvent être ajoutées pour 125 $ de plus, ce qui augmenterait un peu la liste.
Contrairement à de nombreuses lunettes de cette liste, qui privilégient le look subtil sans cadre, ces lunettes ont des bords supérieurs épais qui les accentuent sur votre visage. Ces lunettes vous coûteront 695 $.
Jacques Marie Mage, souvent stylisé sous le nom de JMM, utilise des matériaux coûteux pour mettre ses designs géométriques audacieux au premier plan des lunettes modernes. Ils existent depuis environ deux décennies, ce qui en fait l'une des marques à regarder dans les lunettes de luxe, même s'ils sont l'un des nouveaux enfants de la mode.
Les Lunettes Anti-Lumière Bleue LV Pilot Prix:705 $
Marque:Louis Vuitton
Les lunettes LV Pilot Anti-Blue Light ont été fabriquées par le créateur de mode de luxe Louis Vuitton. Ils les ont conçus pour donner aux gens contemporains et à la mode les designs épurés et chics dont ils rêvent, emballés dans un emballage extrêmement coûteux. Johnny Coca a conçu ces lunettes emblématiques, féminines et élancées, avec des bords fins et des motifs élégants gravés des monogrammes de la maison LV, qui bien sûr signifie Louis Vuitton.
Ces lunettes sont de forme pilote avec des jantes dorées et des verres teintés pour bloquer la lumière bleue, qui est une énergie émise par les écrans électroniques modernes qui peut être nocive pour vos yeux à long terme. Directement de laLouis Vuittonsite Web, ces lunettes coûtent 705 $.
Louis Vuitton remporte le prix de la plus ancienne entreprise de mode représentée sur cette liste de lunettes, battant même Cartier. LV a été fondée il y a 168 ans en 1854 par Vuitton lui-même à Paris, France. Leurs spécialités comprennent les vêtements, les chaussures, les bijoux, les montres, les lunettes de soleil et même les livres. Leurs boutiques vendent pour 14 milliards de dollars d'articles de mode de luxe dans le monde entier, ce qui en fait l'une des marques de mode les plus précieuses au monde.
Cartier CT0048O Prix:1 145 $
Matériel:Aluminium et or
Ces verres de Cartier sont des rectangles hauts avec un profil sans monture. Le décor (appelé « C Décor ») et les charnières sont dorés. Les clients déclarent aimer l'ajustement confortable des charnières flexibles des lunettes, ce qui leur permet de s'adapter en douceur autour des tempes.
Ces lunettes Cartier sont accompagnées non seulement de la signature C Décor, mais également d'une garantie du fabricant. Ils vous coûteront 1 145 $ à posséder.
Cartiera 175 ans et ils vont continuer à apparaître sur cette liste. Louis-François Cartier l'a fondée en tant que fabricant de bijoux et horloger. Ils conçoivent maintenant cela et plus encore, y compris des articles en cuir haut de gamme et bien sûr, ces lunettes de créateurs. L'une des choses qui les distinguent est qu'ils ont une histoire de contrats royaux, y compris des bijoux pour le roi Édouard VII et d'autres monarques en Russie, en Espagne, en Serbie, etc. Peu de créateurs de mode modernes peuvent en dire autant.
Lunettes carrées Prix:1 170 $
Matériel:Métal, résine, verre, or

sources photos :Chanel
Les lunettes carrées de Chanel sont fabriquées à partir de métal et de résine. La chaîne est faite de perles de verre et renforcée d'or. Ces lentilles mesurent 52 mm sur 48 mm et les montures ont une largeur de 124 mm. Ces lunettes d'Italie, directement de la marque de mode et de beauté de luxe Chanel, vous coûteront 1 170 $, ce qui en fait l'une des lunettes les plus chères que vous puissiez acheter.
Depuis 1910,Chanela fait des choix de mode féminins audacieux dans les robes, les pantalons, les bijoux et les parfums. L'entreprise est française, son siège est à Londres et les lunettes ont été conçues en Italie.
Coco Chanel est sans aucun doute le nom le plus reconnaissable de la mode féminine. Parmi les utilisateurs célèbres des produits de la marque Chanel figurent Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Kristen Stewart et Margot Robbie.
Lunettes papillon Prix:1 600 $
Matériel:Métal et cuir de veau

sources photos :Chanel
Les lunettes Butterfly ont été fabriquées par Chanel, la société la plus connue pour sa marque de parfums de luxe. Ces lunettes sont en métal avec des supports en cuir de veau et arborent une chaîne de style vintage, avec de larges montures en fil de fer. Toute la paire de lunettes est noire.
Les lunettes contiennent des lentilles de 54 mm, qui sont assez grandes pour des lunettes. Ils ont un ajustement universel, bien qu'ils soient clairement conçus pour les femmes. Posséder les lunettes papillon coûte 1 600 $.
La mode Chanel a été conçue comme un contre-argument aux courbes 19emodes du siècle connues sous le nom deBelle Époque. Les tendances Chanel étaient plates, matelassées, fonctionnelles. Ceux-ci incluent des jupes jusqu'aux genoux, des cardigans et les célèbres costumes Chanel.
1990 Malmaison Bubinga Verres En Bois Prix:6 000 $
Matériel:Bois et or

sources photos :Grailé
Une autre offre de Cartier prouve que le créateur de bijoux français connaît bien les lunettes chères. Celles-ci sont uniques sur cette liste car il s'agit d'une paire de lunettes d'édition vintage qui peut encore être achetée auprès des détaillants. Ce sont les verres en bois Malmaison Bubinga de Cartier, vers 1990.
Les côtés et le devant des montures sont recouverts d'or blanc et jaune, bien que le devant et les branches soient rehaussés de Bubinga Wood, donnant à ces lunettes leur look emblématique. Les accents d'or 22 carats donnent à ces lunettes de designer leur prix de 6 000 $.
Ces lunettes sont neuves, bien qu'elles aient été entreposées dans l'entrepôt de l'entreprise depuis leur fabrication en 1990, ce qui leur donne une usure normale. Lorsque cesVerres en bois Tavern Bubinganavire, ils viennent dans la boîte rouge matelassée de soie classique de Cartier qui était leur icône. Il est recouvert de cuir Cartier et des accents dorés d'origine.
Cartier CT01710 Prix:11 145 $
Les lunettes les plus chères sont les Cartier CT01710. Ces lunettes ont des montures en or massif avec des verres sans monture qui s'inspirent des anciennes lignes stylistiques de Cartier. Les matériaux qui sont entrés dans ces superbes verres comprennent de l'or blanc et jaune 18 carats ainsi que des accents de dieu rose. Les lunettes sont françaises, impertinentes et si chères qu'elles sont éligibles à une police d'assurance.
Les lunettes Cartier CT01710 coûtent 11 145 $, ce qui en fait les lunettes les plus chères que vous puissiez acheter.
Cartierest l'une des plus anciennes entreprises de mode encore là-bas, avec des racines remontant à 1847 en France. Cartier Eyewear n'est pas leur seule division de loin, mais c'est une version respectable du nom classique de Cartier, illustré par ces lunettes, qui contiennent tellement d'or qu'elles pourraient presque être considérées comme des bijoux, qui est la principale spécialité de Cartier.
Après que les marques de mode modernes les plus décadentes se soient emparées des lunettes, elles ne seraient plus jamais les mêmes. Ce sont plus que de simples lunettes dont vous avez besoin pour mieux voir. En fait, la plupart des prix affichés ici n'incluent même pas le prix des verres correcteurs ! Ce ne sont que de pures déclarations de mode, du genre qui ont mis les lunettes en vogue dans la plupart des tranches d'âge.
Si vous espérez pimenter votre look avec les lunettes les plus chères que l'argent puisse acheter, celles des gens de Cartier, Chanel et bien d'autres sont celles que vous devriez rechercher. N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre portefeuille.
Firms can have monopsony power in buying raw materials/goods. For example, it is argued that supermarkets abuse their monopsony power to pay low prices to farmers for goods like milk and butter. If farmers don't sell to supermarkets at a low price, they have no alternative buyer willing to purchase large quantities.
What is an example of monopsony? ›
The classic example of a monopsony is a company coal town, where the coal company acts the sole employer and therefore the sole purchaser of labor in the town.
What is the meaning of Monopsonist? ›
: one who is a single buyer for a product or service of many sellers.
What is monopsony power? ›
Monopsony power arises when the buyer has the ability to lower the price of a product or service by reducing the quantity they purchase. The difference between a monopsony and monopoly is the aspect of trade that is being controlled.
Is monopsony illegal? ›
Both a monopoly and monopsony can result in high profits for the dominant entity but often are considered illegal because they inhibit competition.
Do monopsonies hire less workers? ›
In a monopsony model, employers have the power to set overall hourly compensation rates below competitive market rates. This results in their employing fewer people than in a competitive labor market because some prospective employees decline the offered wage, reducing total output.
Is Coca-Cola a monopsony? ›
Purchasing power: As one of the largest companies in the world, Coca-Cola has significant purchasing power, which allows it to negotiate lower prices for raw materials, packaging, and other inputs. This can result in lower production costs and higher profits. This is also known as monopsony power.
Is Google a monopsony? ›
Some examples that have been given of monopsonies include major employers in a small town, universal healthcare, and the post office. Some very popular companies such as Wal-Mart, Microsoft and Google have also been called monopsonies.
Is Uber a monopsony? ›
Gig work — especially those housed on digital platforms — are at a greater risk of monopsony than other platforms because platform owners are also the regulators and collectors of user data. For instance, Uber acts like a monopsonist when it purchases all trips from riders before connecting them to drivers.
What is an example of an oligopsony? ›
The fast-food industry is a good example of an oligopsony. A small number of large buyers including McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's buys a huge amount of the meat produced by American ranchers. That gives the industry the ability to dictate the price they are willing to pay.
In economics, a monopsony is where there are many sellers and one buyer. It's the opposite of a monopoly, which is where there are many buyers and one seller.
What are the three characteristics of a monopsony? ›
The three key characteristics of monopsony are: (1) a single firm buying all output in a market, (2) no alternative buyers, and (3) restrictions on entry into the industry. Single Buyer: First and foremost, a monopsony is a monopsony because it is the only buyer in the market.
What is oligopsony power? ›
An oligopsony is a situation when there are only a small number of buyers in a market. This means that a limited number of people have market power and are able to lower the price they pay for a good or service due to the lack of competition.
What is the MRP of labour? ›
Marginal revenue product of labour (MRPL) is the extra revenue generated when an additional worker is employed.
What is market power theory? ›
The market power theory suggests that firms merge to improve their ability to set product prices by reducing output or by colluding. Moreover, increased market power among firms supplying widely used inputs, such as oil and natural gas, across a broad spectrum of industries can be particularly harmful to society.
Does Amazon have a monopoly? ›
Amazon's Trickle-Down Monopoly shows that it is by eliciting and constraining the agency of small business owners — rather than simply eliminating them — that Amazon has gained its power over global retail. In the process, countless small businesses across the world have made themselves in Amazon's image.
What is not a monopoly but a? ›
Oligopoly: An Overview. A monopoly and an oligopoly are market structures that exist when there is imperfect competition. A monopoly is when a single company produces goods with no close substitute, while an oligopoly is when a small number of relatively large companies produce similar, but slightly different goods.
What monopoly is illegal? ›
The Sherman Antitrust Act
An unlawful monopoly exists when one firm controls the market for a product or service, and it has obtained that market power, not because its product or service is superior to others, but by suppressing competition with anticompetitive conduct.
Do monopsonies pay more? ›
We have seen that wages will be lower in monopsony than in otherwise similar competitive labor markets. In a competitive market, workers receive wages equal to their MRPs. Workers employed by monopsony firms receive wages that are less than their MRPs.
Do monopsonies pay lower wages? ›
However, in a labor market in which the employers have market power, they pay lower wages than they otherwise would by hiring fewer workers. Such monopsony power occurs, for example, when many employees are competing for jobs offered by relatively few employers.
A binding minimum wage means that minimum wages set by the government are above the equilibrium wages. Hence, the binding minimum wages cannot be cleared by the supply and demand. Thus, there is nothing that can clear the market of a binding minimum wage.
Is Facebook a monopsony? ›
The media version is Facebook, which is a monopsonist of human attention. The social network leverages suppliers of media, typically its users themselves, who voluntarily supply Facebook via their own hypermediated personal lives.
Are supermarkets a monopsony? ›
A monopsony is a single buyer in a market. For example, Network Rail for track maintenance and the government for teachers are examples of a monopsony. Moreover, supermarkets have monopsony power when buying produce from farmers, which means they are able to negotiate low prices.
Is Apple a monopoly or monopsony? ›
Apple is a monopoly/monopsony and should be forced to allow more user choice of apps, allow sideloading, lower their prices, lower their app store cut, &c.
Is a Google a monopoly? ›
As a result of its illegal monopoly, and by its own estimates, Google pockets on average more than 30% of the advertising dollars that flow through its digital advertising technology products; for some transactions and for certain publishers and advertisers, it takes far more.
Is Google Natural monopoly? ›
Companies such as Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, and Amazon have built natural monopolies for various online services due in large part to first-mover advantages, network effects, and natural economies of scale involved with handling large quantities of data and information.
Is Netflix a monopoly? ›
Is Netflix an oligopoly or monopoly? The market structure that Netflix operates under is an oligopoly. In an oligopoly, there are a few companies that control the entire market. In the streaming market, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Are the main competitors.
Is Uber an oligopoly and Lyft? ›
The Cab Market:
For the longest time, the cab market in North America has been organized as a monopoly or oligopoly, with a handful of companies providing the service to consumers. This has changed with the arrival of companies like Uber and Lyft.
Is Uber becoming a monopoly? ›
Currently, Uber has an annual revenue of over $11 billion, according to The Street. They are also a corporation on the New York Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of $75.5 billion. Although not quite there yet, Uber is also becoming a monopoly.
Is NHS a monopsony? ›
A labour market structure in which there is a single powerful buyer of a particular type of labour. For example, the main buyer of the labour of doctors and nurses is the NHS.
In a duopoly, two competing businesses control the majority of the market sector for a particular product or service they provide. For example, Coca-Cola and Pepsi represent a duopoly because the two firms control almost the entire market for cola beverages.
Is Coca-Cola an oligopoly? ›
Oligopolistic markets are those dominated by a small number of firms. Think of the U.S. soft drink industry, which is dominated by Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
What is duopoly in economics? ›
A duopoly is a market in which two firms sell a product to a large number of consumers. Each consumer is too small to affect the market price for the product: that is, on the buyers' side, the market is competitive. Therefore, in its essence duopoly is a two-player variable-sum game.
What is the opposite of survive? ›
▲ (of a person or species) Opposite of to continue to live, especially in spite of danger or hardship. die. perish. succumb.
What is the opposite of monotone voice? ›
varied intonation: How to change your pitch in English.
What is the antonym of impasse? ›
Out of the given words, we can see that the word Breakthrough is directly opposite in meaning to the word Impasse.
What are the sources of monopsony power? ›
There are three major sources of monopsony power, analogous to the three determinants of monopoly power: (1) the price elasticity of market supply (Es), (2) the number of buyers in a market, and (3) interaction among buyers.
What are the pros of monopsony? ›
The pros for monopsonists are as follows:
- the power to achieve economies of scale;
- control over the price and demand;
- control over the market allows to depress the prices and obtain big profits;
- costs saved on wages of employees.
What is monopsony curve? ›
Under monopsony, the labor demand curve and labor supply curve intersect at both a lower wage and at a lower employment level than would be achieved under equilibrium.
What does powerful buyers mean? ›
Buyer power refers to a customer's ability to reduce prices, improve quality, or “generally play industry participants off one another.” Buyer power examples include larger and influential customers demanding higher-quality products for lower prices.
An oligopoly is similar to a monopoly in that there is a small number of firms which have market power meaning that they can influence the price in the market and there is almost no competition.
What is an example a firm with monopsony power? ›
Monopsony and the gig economy
In practice, workers in the gig economy can easily face a monopsony employer. For example, Uber drivers have little control over rates of pay and have to meet strict criteria from Uber. In theory, they could work elsewhere but in practise it is difficult to replicate that job.
What is the marginal wage? ›
A marginal wage is a payment made by the employer to the employee for providing additional labour responsible for increasing output which as a result leads to an increase in the total revenue. Labour in this case is provided by the same employees who have been in the company; they just do additional work.
What are the 4 factors affecting the demand for labor? ›
Factors affecting the demand for labour
- Labour productivity. ...
- Changes in technology. ...
- Changes in the number of firms. ...
- Changes in demand for a product that labour produces. ...
- Profitability of firms.
What is VMP in economics? ›
The Value of Marginal Product (VMP) calculates the amount of a firm's revenue that a unit of productive output contributes. VMP helps to prevent labor exploitation in industries.
Is predatory pricing illegal? ›
Predatory pricing is the illegal business practice of setting prices for a product unrealistically low in order to eliminate the competition. Predatory pricing violates antitrust laws, as its goal is to create a monopoly. However, the practice can be difficult to prosecute.
What are the four market powers? ›
There are four main types of market power: monopoly, perfect competition, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition.
What are the three different forms of price discrimination? ›
Types of Price Discrimination
These degrees of price discrimination are also known as personalized pricing (1st-degree pricing), product versioning or menu pricing (2nd-degree pricing), and group pricing (3rd-degree pricing).
What are the negative effects of monopsony? ›
Disadvantages of Monopsony
Suppliers are squeezed to settle at lower prices due to restrictions on alternatives. Specific to the labor market, lower wages may sometimes mean that wages fall below the productivity of workers.
What is an example of market power abuse? ›
Examples of abusive conduct include predatory pricing, anti-competitive tying and bundling, and refusal to deal. Predatory pricing refers to a powerful business setting prices so low that it deliberately makes a loss in an attempt to force competitors out of the market or to “discipline” smaller competitors.
The effect of monopsony in society is the cost that sellers lose, and the effect of less production taking place in the economy. The production in a monopsony market is way lower than it would be if the market was in perfect competition.
What are abuses of monopolies? ›
Monopoly power can harm society by making output lower, prices higher, and innovation less than would be the case in a competitive market.
Is monopsony good for the society? ›
Monopsony can lead to lower wages for workers. This increases inequality in society. Workers are paid less than their marginal revenue product. Firms with monopsony power often have a degree of monopoly selling power.
Why is monopsony bad for consumers? ›
So, monopsony power can decrease input suppliers' pay and the quantity of inputs buyers purchase. Monopsony power can also harm downstream consumers. Less input means less output, and less output means more scarcity and higher prices to downstream consumers than would otherwise exist under competitive conditions.
What is market dominance abuse? ›
Definition. Abuse of dominance is unilateral conduct using dominant market power (or a dominant position) to damage market competition and ultimately welfare.
What are the three types of power abuse? ›
What are the three types of power abuse? Abuse of power occurs in different forms. It is categorized into physical, financial, and sexual abuse.
What are 5 market powers? ›
A – The top five sources of MP are the number of market competitors, continual product demand, market entry or exit barriers, product differentiation, and governmental regulations.
What are the three characteristics of monopsony? ›
Characteristics. The three key characteristics of monopsony are: (1) a single firm buying all output in a market, (2) no alternative buyers, and (3) restrictions on entry into the industry. Single Buyer: First and foremost, a monopsony is a monopsony because it is the only buyer in the market.
How do you deal with monopsony? ›
Controlling prices paid to suppliers – such as setting minimum prices. Subsidising suppliers who are adversely affected by the exertion of monopsony power. Legislate against late payments. Prevent further monopsony power by blocking mergers or by forcing firms to divest outlets or divisions of their business.
What is an example of abuse of dominance? ›
Using long-term or exclusive contracts to stop customers from changing suppliers. Using contracts that prevent commercial partners from giving more favourable terms to rivals. Cutting off essential supplies to rival companies. Selling products or services below cost to hurt or discipline a competitor.
The Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade," and any "monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize." Long ago, the Supreme Court decided that the Sherman Act does not prohibit every restraint of trade, only those that are ...
What are the evil effects of monopoly? ›
The disadvantages of monopolies include price-fixing, low-quality products, lack of incentive for innovation, and cost-push inflation.